Trees are a Great Investment
Trees are actually one of the only things that appreciate in value with only one investment. As opposed to lots of other investments you can make in your house that can easily depreciate over time or take multiple intentional actions to really increase its value.
If you're looking to plant a tree for increased home value there are a few things you need to know.
When you're planning a tree, you really need to think about growth. Whatever tree you plant is not always going to be the same size, so you need to make sure that you're not over-planting and that you're planting a type of tree that is best for the environment.
For example, an oak tree is one of the best trees for an ecosystem. It might be worth researching what trees do well and support your environment the best. And remember, they will grow! So make sure to plan where you put them accordingly.
Trees can also have a cooling impact on your house
Green space can save save you money on electricity. So when you're thinking about where to plant your trees, think of places that might help cool your house as well! Did you know that there is up to a 12% possible reduction in energy bills when there is at least one mature tree planted on the west side of a house? Especially in really hot or sun-baked climates, a well-placed tree can make a huge difference.
US Department of Agriculture
has talked about the cooling effect of a mature tree on your home. They said that mature trees can offer a house-wide cooling effect equal to 10 room-sized air conditioners running 20 hours a day. Yes, it can be that much of an impact!
When you're thinking about the cooling and benefits of a tree, do keep in mind that paint and walkways can absorb heat. In fact, 70-90% of the sun's heat is absorbed by your home. So make sure you take the weather into account when you're designing your green space, your paint colors, and even your roof colors. All of that can combine to impact your electricity needs and how cool or warm your home is.
Privacy with Trees
Have you thought of a living fence? Trees and shrubs can create privacy by serving as fences, living walls, or kind of a blend of both. Trees also serve as a natural boundary and keep people from looking in as easily, while still being beautiful and better for the environment. You can totally customize what you plan on planting based on how much privacy you want that tree to give you. Plus, having trees for privacy adds 10% more value to your home. This definitely depends on the type and maintenance, but it certainly has an impact.
Also, make sure to mostly use native plants! It's always good to see how trees will impact water mitigation, droughts, and overall how easily they fit into your environment. Some beautiful trees can be really unsustainable in certain environments and just drink up water that they really shouldn't be. When you have 90% native plants in your yard it means easier maintenance, better for your ecosystem, and is much better for drought and flooding control. Make sure you're getting appropriate types of trees for how much water, what kind of soil and what kind of environment you live in! Planting saplings? If you have a lot of deer in your area, make sure you are wrapping your saplings to protect from deer munch. They don't know you are helping the eco system, they just think its a great meal.
Now, when you're looking to plant trees, here are some things that you definitely shouldn't do.
For one, don't plant trees too close to the house. Trees can cause all sorts of issues when they get too close to walls, fences, etc. Roots, branches, and falling leaves can do lots of damage both cosmetically and beyond, and we do not want you or the future owners of your home to have to deal with that.
While I'm all for planting some trees, be careful of overgrowth or completely surrounding or obscuring your house with trees. We all love privacy, but we'd also like to see your house as well. You want your house to still be visible from the front, the trees should frame your house rather than completely cover it.
Easy to Maintain
Make sure that you're not planting anything really hard to maintain. This comes back to thinking about your environment, but it's also about how much tree trimming it'll need, the maintenance necessary, and what you can really afford to keep up with. Trees can become quite a headache if you forget about upkeep or if you pick something that is just going to be way too much work to maintain in the long run. It's always good to think of easy and low-maintenance plants!
If you're looking to use your trees for privacy or as a living fence, make sure that that's really the best option for your situation. If you have pets or want additional privacy, you may need to use a blend of trees as well as a more traditional fence- such as a chain link or wooden fence- just to make sure that your beloved animals can't get out and that you're a little more secure. And don't worry, there are still some great eco-friendly options when it comes to more traditional fencing. A lot of fencing options have up to 96% recycled materials used in aluminum, steel, and composite fencing.
Another thing to think about is that while living fences can be absolutely beautiful, it can be really hard to find native plants that deer won't eat if that's an issue in your region. So when you're trying to look for native plants, think about following the 90/10 rule. With 90% of your plants being native, and 10% being non-native. That 10% non-native can help you create an actual living fence that won't just get eaten through.
Finally, no matter what trees you plant, don't forget about upkeep! Trees are plants and plants always require a little bit of love and care. Make sure that you're getting them trimmed, maintained, and watching them grow for best results.
Create Green Space
Creating some more green space on your home lot is such an amazing investment. It's been researched and proven to be a great way to add more value to your home, both in the living and in the potential future selling. And have some fun with it! Incorporate textures and colors into your yard design, and invest in creating year-long beauty that will only appreciate with time.
Everything about your home is about telling a story, so as you plant your trees and create the perfect green space for your home, enjoy making one of your own! And, if you're doing it thoughtfully, it'll be a positive story that follows your home for generations to come.